
Ok so there has been a lot going on since I wrote last so this post might be a little or a lot long. You don't have to read it if you don't want to :)

First of all...Andy waited as long as he could for his boss to call him back and he didn't so we decided that he should go out and get his CDL so he could drive truck. There are always jobs in that field. So he started driving school on April, 20th. He was in the classroom for 2 weeks down in Salt Lake and now he is with a trainer on the road. As of right now he is somewhere between Indianapolis and St. Louis. He will be on the road for 26 days. As for now I am doing alright without him, I am sure it will get worse as the days wear on. We talk everyday so that is nice. To make things even more interesting his boss called him on Friday and told him he had work for him, but we decided just to stick with this job at least a year and maybe everything in the construction field will pick up by then.

Next...We threw a suprise birthday party for my dad last week. That was way fun to see the suprise on his face when he showed up and everyone was there. Even my sister from California came in with her whole family (minus one...we missed you Matt). It was a lot of work but I think it was worth it. I think the hardest part was keeping him entertained the day of without having him pick up on what was going on. He was supposed to go golfing but of course it rained making it difficult to do so. Thanks Frank for being in charge of distracting dad for us. His birthday is tomorrow....HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! We love ya!

Also...they have decided to give me a new church calling about a month ago. They obviously don't know what they are doing...Just Kidding! I am a teacher in RS, as if I didn't have enough stress! For those of you who don't know me so well....not really good in front of crowds...all I have to do is think about being in front of them and I start crying. I have decided that it doesn't matter what I plan to say because they can't understand me anyway...plus I can't read it through the water in my eyes. I have my dad to thank for the tearworks. He is the same way...very emotional! My first lesson was 2 weeks ago and I ended with about 20 min left in class. I think I talked really fast because I had 4 pages prepared, next time I guess I better have 8. I get to teach on the Conference Talks on the 4th Sundays. I guess that is one way to get me to read and study them. :) So if every 4th Sunday you could all pray for me to make it through at least 5 min without crying that would be great! I get to be off the hook this month because I will be out of town, and boy am I glad about that I found out it is Ward Conference which means the stake presidency will be there. No thank you!

Finally....the reason I will be out of town is because my mother, my mother-in-law, Kathryn and Shar (Andy's Aunts), and myself are heading to Reno on the 22nd to bowl in a national tournament. We are all way excited to be going. Andy's uncle Chris told his wife Kathryn "Don't you have to be good to bowl in that tournament" the answer to that is nope, if we were that good we would be on TV. We are going to go and do our best and most importantly HAVE FUN! Tyler will be going with us and Brandon is going to go camping with my dad and sister.

Well, thanks for listening to me as I rambled on about the happenings of our little life. I will try to be more dilligent in updating.

1 of ya'll said...:

Darlene said...

Thanks for the update. Any one whose looks at it will know the going ons in the family. You are a trooper to be by yourself and take charge of everything. Andy will be back before you know it. Thanks for all the help in putting dads party together. You and Ang did a good job. Love you all