
10 Wonderful Years!

It was 10 years ago today that we knelt across the alter in the House of the Lord and said yes to the question that sealed us together for time and all eternity. I love him as much now as I did then.
It is crazy how fast time flies by. It feels like it was just yesterday we were standing there in the foggy morning taking these pictures. For those of you that were there, I'm sorry to remind you of the chill in the air that day.
In these 10 years we have added 2 wonderful additions to our little family, we have purchased a house and what feels like a million cars. But over it all we are still madly in love as we were then. All I can hope for is that we have many many more years together. Not so much for more cars! I love you Andy, thanks for giving me the best 10 years of my life and for those cute little additions. I couldn't have done it without you!

Thanks to all the people in these picture who supported us and continue to do so. We love you all.

Here's to another 10!


Christmas is coming...

I don't know what it is about this year, but I am having a really hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year. I have still got some stuff to go and get, but I don't really want to. I don't know what it is. My kids are so cute about everything it should make me excited about it all. My kids shouldn't have to suffer because I am feeling scroogish. Hopefull in the next day or two I can shake it, of course by then I won't want to go fight everyone else to get what I need.


Christmas Parties

This past weekend we were able to have 3 Christmas parties to go to, the first one was our ward Christmas party at the church. We took our cute little neighbor boy with us. The boys had so much fun there. They even got to see Santa, I guess we can check that of the list now. I have decided that all the boys either have the Christmas spirit or they are little devil children...I haven't had a red eye photo for a very long time, and they all three have some in these pics.

Tyler did so well, he walked right up and jumped on his lap, but was still a little nervous, you can tell...he wouldn't even smile at the camera.

Brandon asked for 3 Wii Remotes so his whole family could play the Wii at the same time. How thoughtful of him.

This is the little neighbor boy his name is Tristan, him and Brandon are best buds...not bad for only being moved in for about a month.
The second one was at my mom and dad's house. They did an open house for some of our friends and family. There was a really good turnout, she was happy about that. Always good to see long lost family members ;) I forgot to take my camera out and take pictures until it was almost over so I guess I won't be doing much with those. Hey at least I took some, I'm not sure my mom even did.
The next party was the Hadlock side party, held at Andy's brother's house. It is always fun to see the joy on the kids faces when they open presents from their cousins. Brandon just loves to give presents to his cousins as well. Tyler was a little overwhelmed with all that was going on, paper flying everywhere and kids wanting to play with their newly opened gifts. He was so excited every time he was handed a new present to open. Again, not the best pics but here are a few for your enjoyment.

Uncle Troy gave Brandon Operation, we have already played it. He loves it.

What boy doesn't need his own dirt truck?

Brandon got a cool new camo coat from his grandma and grandpa Hadlock.

Tyler thought it would be fun to climb in the empty boxes.


My Baby Boy is 2!

Wow how time flies! My cute little baby boy in now in the terrible 2's! Silly me thinking he was already there. He is such a joy in our lives. We all just love him! He definetly keeps me moving. We had his 2 year check up a couple days ago, he is 31 lbs and 34 inches long. That is a far cry from 8 lbs 7 oz and 19 inches. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ty-monster...we all love you lots!
From This.....

To this...

Thanksgiving (I'm Still Full!)

This year for Thanksgiving we were able to see the Hadlock side, it has been a long time. It was held in North Salt Lake at a clubhouse...It was really nice and big, needs to be to hold that many people. Andy was able to make it after a week of not thinking he would. He chose to come so he would be able to see his extended family. He left from there and me and the boys continued on to my mom's. I am so glad that we were able to see Andy's grandparents and cousins. Like I said it had been a long time.

I would like to say that I am greatfull for Andy and all the sacrifices he has had to make in the last year and a half due to his job. No it isn't the ideal job for a guy who has a young family at home, but we know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We know that he loves us and would rather be here but sometimes that just isn't possible. I am also greatful for my family and friends who help me out with my boys whenever they can. I know that I could not do it without them. I often feel bad when I go to Salt Lake and my mom becomes their "mom" while I run around town with friends or do whatever. She loves it I know, that is what grandma's do, right? But I still can't help feel a little guilty. Speaking of my boys...I am thankful that they are both happy and healthy. There are a lot of people in my life that have either had sick babies who are no longer with us, or they can't have them at all, and I am so glad that I got them. Even though sometimes Tyler makes me wonder :) He is definetly a boy! He is so rough and tumble already, I fear as though I am in trouble. Brandon he is still my very smart and calm (most of the time). He puts me back where I need to be anytime I forget. I love them both dearly. Anyway, that is my rant again...sorry! Here are some pictures from our Thanksgiving adventures, I hope you enjoy.

Yes I still have a husband...here is my proof!

The layout of the tables, not really important, but it has some people in it too.

Andy's grandparents, aren't they the cutest!

Love ya grandma!

This is a picture of Tyler's food hut. He decided instead of eating his food he was going to stack them all up. It was very cleaver of him, and of course cute! When it would fall over he said uh-oh and stacked it back up.