
My cute boy in his new zoo hat!

I couldn't resist showing off my very favorite, cutiest boy in the whole wide world. Of course the hat doesn't hurt either. Being the wonderful mother that I am I forgot to bring sunscreen so I purchased him this way cute hat. Notice that it has a "Brandon Monkey" on it. You will find out later what those are. :)

Here is a picture of all of the kids that went to the zoo. (Don't let Jordan know that I called him a kid) He might not speak to me ever again. :)

4 of ya'll said...:

Darlene said...

we had fun at the zoo. brandon is definately a "brandon monkey".

Miranda said...

I'm dying at the picture of him in the hat. It's so stinkin' cute!

jer and lous crew said...

love, love, love the hat so dang cute....can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks....loves

jer and lous crew said...

me again....we will have to take the kids up to the zoo sometime...maybe in september or october...i haven't been to the zoo forever....