Teaching the little one to swim!
All About Jen and Her 3 Boys at 8:22 PM 2 of ya'll said...
My cute boy in his new zoo hat!
I couldn't resist showing off my very favorite, cutiest boy in the whole wide world. Of course the hat doesn't hurt either. Being the wonderful mother that I am I forgot to bring sunscreen so I purchased him this way cute hat. Notice that it has a "Brandon Monkey" on it. You will find out later what those are. :)
All About Jen and Her 3 Boys at 6:27 PM 4 of ya'll said...
A Day at the Zoo!
So we went to the zoo last weekend with a group of family. We decided it would be nice to get outside while the weather was nice. We spent a lot of time there and had a lot of fun. I asked Brandon what he saw at the zoo and he said "Brandon Monkeys". I asked him what they looked like and he said "I was the one hanging from the ropes." He says the funniest things sometimes. So here is a picture of the "Brandon Monkey"..........
All About Jen and Her 3 Boys at 6:11 PM 1 of ya'll said...
The Boy Loves Snakes!
All About Jen and Her 3 Boys at 6:01 PM 0 of ya'll said...
Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles!
So this is the first day that I had my camera. We also decided to buy some bubbles and a big bubble wand. Brandon loved the thing. I don't know what it is about bubbles but they sure are fun to be around. They put a smile on your face! I know they do on Brandon's. I was so excited about the way my camera captured the bubbles I have been showing them to everyone since I have had them.
All About Jen and Her 3 Boys at 10:02 AM 3 of ya'll said...
Watch Out!
So I was able to purchase a new camera this last weekend and I have since then been going crazy taking tonz of pictures so sometime this weekend I am going to put lots of posts on here so get ready to read all sorts of fun facts about us....coming soon!
All About Jen and Her 3 Boys at 6:13 PM 0 of ya'll said...