I can't believe my baby boy is a month old already.
It has gone so fast! We are still trying to figure each other out. He teases me by sleeping 6 hours during the night a couple days then goes back to 3 hours if I am lucky. He still sleeps a lot during the day, which can possibly be the reason for the weird nights. He seems to not be too happy of a baby so I am hoping that changes as well. He is crying unless he is being held or fed or is sleeping. Not used to that, my other 2 were very happy and content just laying on the floor or chilling in the swing or bouncer chair. He does okay in those but not as well. Like I said...we are still figuring it all out. We are all so glad he is here. It is still weird for me to think I am not going back to work. That will be my biggest adjustment I think. I need to come up with some things for Tyler to do so he isn't watching TV or playing the Wii all day. Of course Winter is coming so the runs to the park will not be an option anymore.
I better get some in before it is too late. He will be starting pre-school next Wednesday so that will be good and get him (and me) out of the house.
As far as Brandon...he started 4th grade on the 21st of August. He likes it so far. He (and me) are still working on getting back into the swing of things. He is also playing Fall ball so we are out late on Tues and Thurs, which is making it a little bit harder. Plus, it starts at 6:00 so it is a little complicated to get everything done in between him getting home and leaving for baseball. It is all good though. We are slowly figuring it all out. Slowly...
9 years ago
2 of ya'll said...:
Such good looking boys!
They are getting so big!!
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